There may be times after you have created a calendar item that you want to create copies of that calendar item on other days. For example, if your lesson plan on a Monday looks the same each Monday, you can duplicate one Monday's calendar item on to each of the following Mondays. There may also be times you want to duplicate a calendar item from one calendar layer onto a different calendar layer.
- Double click a calendar item's title
to display the editing overlay.
- Click on the
button to display the Duplicate Calendar Item overlay.
- If you'd like to duplicate the calendar item on to a different calendar layer, click on the title of the currently selected target layer (directly right of the Target Layer label) and the select a new target layer.
- Click on all of the dates you would like to place a copy of the current calendar item. Each day selected will be highlighted in purple and displayed below the date picker.
- Click on the
to save the current calendar item and create the desired copies on the target layer.