Curriculum Engine Clark County School District

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Accessing Curriculum Views

You can access the curriculum in the left column of the Curriculum Engine. Curriculum is accessed through different views in the Curriculum Engine. For example, if you look at a course's pacing/calendar view, you will be able to see the curriculum arranged chronologically by trimester, quarter, or month. Another option is a course's list view which will display the curriculum in numerical order. A final option is viewing a course in document view which allows you to download the curriculum in a file along with related documents like Bloom's Taxonomy, Components of an Effective Lesson, etc.


  1. Click the Select a Course button.
  2. Select a content area (e.g., CCSS Mathematics) from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select a course (e.g., Math 6) from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select a view (e.g., Pacing View, List View, Document View) from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click the Show button.